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January 10, 2010

Fiber Optic

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Fiber Optic Technology.

 Today we talking about fiber optic..  Have Fun...

-- A fiber-optic system is similar to the copper wire system that fiber-optics is 
-- Difference – fiber-optics use light pulses to transmit information down fiber 
    lines(electronic pulses in copper lines).

-- There are generally five elements that make up the construction of a fiber-
    opticstrand, or cable:

1. the optic core
2.optic cladding,
3. a buffer material,
4.a strength material 
5.the outer jacket

--  The International standard for the cladding diameter of optical fibers is 125 
     microns (um).
--  The compatibility is important - it allows fibers to fit into standard connectors 
     and splices, and allows standard tools to be used throughout the industry.
--  The differences among fibers lie in their core sizes – the light carrying region
     of the fiber.
--  Standard Single-Mode fibers – are manufactured with the smallest core size, 
     approximately 8­10 um in diameter. 
--  With its greater information-carrying capacity,

 -- Single­mode fiber typically is used for :-
  •           longer distance and
  •           higher bandwidth applications.     
  -- Multi-Mode fibers are available in several core sizes
       - The most widely used sizes are 50 um and 62.5 um. Larger core sizes generally have greater bandwidth and are easier to couple and interconnect.

Picture show the sizes single mode and multimode.

                     p/s : That all the basic about Fiber Optic... See yAA.

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Mengimbau Kenangan lalu...

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Malam nie napa la aku xleyh nak tido agaknya.. mata asyik tertumpu dekat screen ladtop nie ja.. walhal mmg aku xcukup tido sejak kebelakang nie... sedang asyik tgk ja ladtop nie.. teringin lak nak bukak pic2 lama masa kat ump dulu... wah... memory hitam datang balik..ehe.. hitam tue xda la sgt.. putih gak per...hoho.. aku nie bukan budak jahat pown.. tapi owank ckp nakal tue besa la kan....

sambil dok tgk gmbar nie otak pown berfikir..."byk jugak kenangan aku dulu kat pahang tue..".. mmg banyak sebenarnya kenagan yang xdpt dilupakan masa kat sana tue.. hari nak register saja pown dah ada pengalaman..huh... nie gara2 pak tih aku la nie.. wat kepala sgt kan dah sesat. aiyak.. masuk kl ja terus pening.. maw xpening jalan bersimpang siur.. klu aku g sorang pown alahai..mengucap panjang la jawabnya.. first pegi pahang dulu mmg hati berkobar2 nk belajar...(sambil ingat masa skolah.. belajar hingga ke menara gading..) owh rupanya menara gading camtu rupanya..ehe.. sampai ja kat UMP aku ingat sesat lagi..sbb tgk kawasan pown macam kilang jaa..(dulu xmenbagun sgt..) sudaahhh.. dah masuk baru aku mengerti mmg u nie temporary saja... skunk nie baru nak bwat induk dia kat pekan..xdan nak merasa kampus baru...(sambung je la nti..ehe)

dengan muka selamba xknl sapa2 lg..aku pown p la register... bak kata member aku "wat kering cudaaaa".. layanan istimewa gak la masa tue..mcm OKU pown ada..aha.. dapat la rumate budak komputer sowank, 2 owank lg budak mekanikal... tegur2 akhirnya berkawan... budak kelas pown xknl lg nie.. first week ada orientasi lak.. depa panggil minggu MINDS (Minggu Induksi Siswa ) muka sowank2 dah mcam timun xbucuk dah.. semua pakat bengang ngn abang akak cnior.. tp apa leyh buat naseb badan...hurm... oke ckup tuk mukadimah..(panjang lorh mukadimah)...

Time dok rancak belajar programming masa tue.. ada mmber aku sowank nie nk wat plan baek punya... plan dia bercuti 2 hari 1 malam di awana cherating... sumer pown setuju laa nk pegi..tapi yg budak xsekpala tinggal ja kat asrama...huh.. buang masa jaa nk layan... time nk pegi tue dax laki nek moto..dak puan of cos nek kereta kan.berlagak time tue..(jgn marah ekk..ahaha). pegi la ramai2 nek moto sambil dikuti kereta.. sampai kat highway kuantan tue..sume budak2 pecut laju2..hadesh.. moto aku dah la lembap macam kura2.. kena la tinggal jauh sebatu...naseb2... naseb bek la ada gak sbjik moto follow.. sampai simpang jaa termasuk simpang laen..punggah.. sesat daa.. masuk pelabuan apa ntah..ahaha.. gyla b***...... polis siap tahan lg..ingt kan nak saman rupanya suh U-turn balik daa... kol dak laen..baru dpt jalan yang betol...

malam nie kitorang pown wat la bbq... meriah gak la..sbb sumer join kan.. sambil tue menari la tarian ala2 kadazan dusun(pusing satu bulatan sambil pegang kayu).. ajk makanan pown bg la kami makan malam tue..ayam bbq, hotdoq..(xingt dah.ehe)... mlm tue nk tidoq penuh satu chalet.. alamatnya men daun terup la malm tue..sambil ditemani nyamuk yang setia... bnyak dah aku citer nie penat2..

yang besh lgi masa aku kena *** menyesal xhabesh..citer kat kawan aku habesh dowank gelak.. naseb bek la..huhu..time tue terus ingat tuhan... ya ampun... fullstop..

nti da masa aku sambung lagi..mata dah lalok..huh.. :)

p/s : Nak sambung degree ke x? 


January 9, 2010


1 Komen


A subnet allows the flow of network traffic between hosts to be segregated based on a network configuration. By organizing hosts into logical groups, subnetting can improve network security and performance.

Subnet Masking

Applying a subnet mask to an IP address allows you to identify the network and node parts of the address. The network bits are represented by the 1s in the mask, and the node bits are represented by the 0s. Performing a bitwise logical AND operation between the IP address and the subnet mask results in the Network Address or Number.

For example, using our test IP address and the default Class B subnet mask, we get:
10001100.10110011.11110000.11001000   Class B IP Address
11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000   Default Class B Subnet Mask
10001100.10110011.00000000.00000000   Network Address
Default subnet masks:
  • Class A - - 11111111.00000000.00000000.00000000
  • Class B - - 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000
  • Class C - - 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000

January 7, 2010


0 Komen

(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)

TCP/IP adalah basic Communication language or protocol of the internet. TCP/IP ini digunakan sebagai protokol komunikasi dalam private network spt intranet dan extranet.. Bila computer kita tetapkan 'direct access to the internet'.. komputer kita akan copy the TCP/IP program dan computer kita boleh berkomunikasi dengan komputer laen malalui penghantaran data dan msg.. 

Two level layer TCP/IP :-

  • Higher Layer(TCP) --> Manages assembling of a message or file into smaller packet.

  • Lower Layer(IP) --> Handles the address part of each packet so that it gets to the night destination.

TCP/IP layer


January 2, 2010

Mari semua cuba website nie

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dengan website nie kita leyh share, backup file kita... tapi ruang dia xbaper besar sgt stakat 2 gb jaa.. tp bleh la kita guna untuk backup or share with our friend.. so try la dulu... check it out....