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April 7, 2009

window 7 the latest OS

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Dalam subject ICT. my group ambik tajuk microsoft-> operating system....
so the latest issue in operating system is window 7.... window 7 baru launch pada 2008 dan memang smart la.. masa pegi seminar microsoft kat KLCC dapat cd window 7 beta punya laa...
kat cinie aku nak terangkan sikit apa yang aku paham mengenai window 7 nie... boleh gak kongsi2 pengalaman kan....

Introduction window 7
  • first codename adalah backcomb, then tukar kepada nama vienna last skali baru diberi nama window 7.
  • Originally, window 7 dibuat selepas window vista and window 7 focus dalam searching, storage info and querying data.
  • Window 7 support multi graphic card by different vendor, all the window media center gadgets being integrated with window explorer

Apa yang ada dalam Window 7 (Features)

  • New taskbar - kalau kita tengok betol2 dalam window 7 nie kan taskbar dia tinggi sikit dari pada taskbar window vista ngn xp... and the special taskbar window 7 nie kita boleh drag and drop program masuk dalam tue...macam gadget la klu dalam vista...simple ja nak guna..
  • Jump list - the new Taskbar also incorporates a new feature called Jump Lists. Designed to make it easier to find what you want and perform common operations associated with an application, Jump Lists appear on the Start menu as well as on the Taskbar when you right-click on an icon.
  • Quick launch bar - because this grown quite accustomed to the Quick Launch bar and depend on it for access to several common tools. However, once it began using the new Taskbar, Quick Launch bar is now the Taskbar itself acts as a place to both launch common applications as well as access running tasks.
To know more think about window 7...boleh la datang ke booth kami ari rabu nie.. FSKKP, untuk pelajar UMP je la...huh... stiker window 7 akan diberi percuma..hehe...datang2 cepat... demo juga akan ditunjukkan...tunggu apa lg..pakat2 serbu booth kami...sekian...

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